It’s Time to Look at Our Issues, If We Still Have Some – Astrological Update by Kaypacha

Oh this is a great new one by Kaypacha. Essentially, “Let’s leave our “issues” in the old paradgim!”

Other great tidbits:

“We create issues out of non-issues.”

“We could say that when we come to “Enlightenment,” we don’t have any “issues.” Enlightenment is when one doesn’t experience an more emotional charge around certain situations, or experiences emotional triggers of “issues” around things that used to bother the person.

“Part of waking up, the waking up process is Facing Our Issues.”

“Nudity is not an issue for me, other things that trigger people, isn’t an issue for me. I don’t have any blocks, resistance or filters that pull me out of the present moment experience.”

“This is a free will universe. We can choose to deny, avoid, and/or ignore looking at our issues too!”

Great Episode! InJoy! – wyndstorm

I’m Calling Myself Out! – A Language Yoga Translation

Language Yoga Immersion

This translation I’m going to leave as anonymous, even though I know who it is from. I have no intention of defaming anyone, or ruffling feathers. The point here is to explain what a Language Yoga Translation is, and how one can Call Myself Out.

update!: I’m using Language Yoga to edit my own writing!! So this article is written totally in integrity with the Tool, my edits are crossed out, and the correct words march this color. 

– wyndstorm

“The Federal Reserve is completely and totally out of control, and Congress needs to start exerting power over it. Hopefully the American people will start to send more representatives to Washington D.C. that understand this. “

Language Yoga Translation

I AM completely and totally out of control, and I need to start exerting power over MYSELF. Hopefully I will start to send more MORE PARTS OF MYSELF back to ME that understand this.
Continue reading

What is the 5th Density / Dimension?

Most of humanity is very familiar with 3D. It’s how we as a species perceive what is solid, for life on this planet is much more than a dot (1D) or a line (2D). But what else is there? And why have people in the “New Age” realm (and even that band from the 60’s “The Fifth Dimension” who recorded the classic song “Age of Aquarius” – see vid below) focused on this experiential reality called the 5th dimension? What makes it different?

Well, the main difference is in how beings interact with each other. In 3D, there happens to be a large amount of separation from Self, which then translates into victim/aggressor or “I and other inbodyments who are not myself” paradigm. There is also a high amount of blame, and/or disappointment when things don’t go as planned, fear, anger, resentment, jealously, manipulation, control, and lack of empathy. Essentially, all the lower vibrating frequencies of human expression. Continue reading